
In the recent years, the growth of technology and the resulting transformation is happening at a rapid pace. In this junction, IoT has provided a great platform and bridge between these technologies. A lot of research regarding the application of IoT Systems has been done in the recent years but one area that lacks research is security issues in Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT).It is noticed that security and Privacy in NB-IoT system is a challenging task for researchers and academia. Application of NB-IoT in Defense security opened a new way for the researchers but at the same time security threat can lead to drastic loss. Nowadays, MEMS-NB-IoT device (Bug)/ BOT are being used for carrying out any malicious security attack. This can be a serious area of concern in the case of defense security. These MEMS device are very dangerous and it can spoof data from any type of network. The size of this device is very small, it can travel to any location for monitoring the enemy movement, and it is very difficult to identify these types of bugs. These BOT device very sensitive at Perception and Network Layered. In this paper, we have provided detail analysis of IoT/NB-IoT Layered architecture. A novel proposal depicting security attack in a Smart home system with IoT and NB-IoT enabled devices is presented. The Secrecy Rate (SR), the Secrecy Outage Probability (SOP) is being calculated, and performance analysis of IoT system in the presence of Bugs for a smart home system is carried out. Simulations have been performed and the performance analysis done is based on Security non-outage probability vs security rate with real time analysis.

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