
INTRODUCTION. The article discusses the main features of law of the Eurasian Economic Union in field of science, technology and innovation (STI) from the point of view of new challenges of Industry-4.0. The purpose of present study is analysis of current legal regulation of science and technology interconnection of member states and revealing the possible scenarios of its developing.MATERIALS AND METHODS. In the course of preparation of this study, there have been used the act constituting the Union’s law, namely international treaties and documents (decisions, directions and recommendations) of institutional bodies. Additionally, author took into account the generalization of academic economists as to level of science and technology integration within the EAEU. This study is premised on using the general methods of cognition (systemic and structural approaches, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction) and methods of legal research (comparative, historical and formally-dogmatic). However, as most important has become the systemic approach allowing to understand the EAEU’s law in appropriate field as a complicated and multi-level system.RESEARCH RESULTS. Based on conducted analysis, the author has come to following research findings. The law in field of STI is a subsystem of EAEU’s law as such; subject matter of its regulation is a various forms of interconnection (coordination, cooperation and integration). Analyzed legal complex is unity of subsystems of primary and secondary law, while primary law is characterized by fragmentation. In turn, a great importance in regulating the science and technology interaction belongs to recommendatory acts of Eurasian economic commission. The factor of development of Union’s law in regarded field at the current stage is the recognition of science and technology interaction in a kind of separate integrative direction.DISCUSSION AN CONCLUSIONS. The author has ascertained the controversial issues concerning the completeness of legal regulation of science and technology cooperation and mainstream of its further improvement. The treaty base is needed to be improved first of all. Additionally, removing the imbalance in regulatory environment that means the lag of level of legal regulation of science and technology cooperation in energy sector over regulation in area of industry and agriculture is already in great demand. As a principles of improvement of the Union’s law in field of STI, author has suggested followings: strict adherence to legal model of the EAEU; taking into account the modern infrastructural trends closely connected with diffusion of digital platforms; equilibrium of primary and secondary law; increasing the role of program and strategic regulation; conjunction of differentiation and integration of legal regimes in area of traditional and emerging research and developments.


  • The article discusses the main features of law of the Eurasian Economic Union in field of science, technology and innovation (STI) from the point of view of new challenges of Industry-4.0

  • Author took into account the generalization of academic economists as to level of science and technology integration within the EAEU

  • The law in field of STI is a subsystem of EAEU’s law as such; subject matter of its regulation is a various forms of interconnection

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The article discusses the main features of law of the Eurasian Economic Union in field of science, technology and innovation (STI) from the point of view of new challenges of Industry-4.0. As a principles of improvement of the Union’s law in field of STI, author has suggested followings: strict adherence to legal model of the EAEU; taking into account the modern infrastructural trends closely connected with diffusion of digital platforms; equilibrium of primary and secondary law; increasing the role of program and strategic regulation; conjunction of differentiation and integration of legal regimes in area of traditional and emerging research and developments. В настоящее время это дополняется отсутствием общего стратегического планирования и программного обеспечения научно-технологической интеграции в рамках ЕАЭС. В качестве гипотезы исследования выступает тезис о том, что, несмотря на фрагментарность, некоторые блоки данного правового комплекса уже функционируют, хотя в целом комплексное правовое регулирование научно-технологического сотрудничества и интеграции в рамках ЕАЭС находится в процессе своего становления, за которым должно последовать его развитие. Представленное исследование предполагает обращение ко всему кругу имеющихся здесь правовых проблем и обоснование подходов к их решению

Право ЕАЭС в сфере НТИ: природа и предназначение
Подсистема договорных правовых основ научно-технологической интеграции
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