
Rehabilitation arrangements for narcotics abuse users in Indonesia have been regulated in Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics. The relevant law describes the function of rehabilitation, but does not specify the categories that are eligible to receive rehabilitation facilities. The elaboration regarding the requirements for receiving the rehabilitation facility is only spelled out in the Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 04 Year 2010. This in turn can lead to wrong actions against narcotics abusers. The implementation of medical and social rehabilitation for narcotics abusers in Indonesia has begun to be improved. This can be seen from the improvement in the quality standards of the rehabilitation facilities, as well as the efforts to strengthen rehabilitation institutions. Referring to the ideal concept of implementing rehabilitation for narcotics abuse users in the perspective of restorative justice, rehabilitation of narcotics abusers must be provided. In this case there are two rehabilitation processes that must be provided, namely medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation to restore abusers from dependence, while social rehabilitation so that narcotics abusers can be accepted back into society.

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