
Loki Patera (310° W, 12° N) is Io's largest patera at ∼180 km in diameter. Its morphology and distinct thermal behavior have led researchers to hypothesize that Loki Patera may either be an active lava lake that experiences periodic overturn, or a shallow depression whose floor is episodically resurfaced with thin flows. Using results from mathematical models, we suggest that a better model for Loki's behavior is the terrestrial superfast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR), near 17 ° 30 ′ south. We propose that, like at the southern EPR, Loki Patera is underlain by a thin, persistent magma “lens” that feeds thin, temporary lava lakes within the patera. Also like the southern EPR, overspilling of the volcanic depression is rare, with most of the lava volume being emplaced via a subsurface network of lava tubes.

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