
The works of the Count de Lautréamont, the Songs of Maldoror and Poésies I and II, is located with that of Mallarmé like the avant-garde, which at the end of the XIXth century, revolutionized the poetic language. In their book, The distinction of the autism, Robert and Rosine Lefort present this work like concerning an autistic structure, defining it as based on three points: destructiveness, the expulsion of the Other and double in reality. Interested by this assumption and intrigued by the strangeness of the Songs of Maldoror, after a thorough study of many research which related to the works and the life of Isidore Ducasse, said Count de Lautréamont, the author proposes the idea of bringing together the universe of the autistic structure and the one issued of the action of ego splitting, more precisely body ego splitting in an archaic moment. In the Songs of Maldoror, the recurring resurgence of death, crime and of the dead mother, “who loves most and betrays you soon or last”, constitutes the pivot of such a proposal which establishes a link between the lacanian theory of the autistic structure and the freudian theory onewith splitting mechanism. Lastly, the writing, from its “abstract materiality” is presented like the centration on the sensation as possible substitution to a total or partial autistic positionning.

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