
In this article we construct Laurent polynomial Landau–Ginzburg models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces. These Laurent polynomial potentials are defined on a particular algebraic torus inside the Lie-theoretic mirror model constructed for arbitrary homogeneous spaces in [Rie08]. The Laurent polynomial takes a similar shape to the one given in [Giv96] for projective complete intersections, i.e., it is the sum of the toric coordinates plus a quantum term. We also give a general enumeration method for the summands in the quantum term of the potential in terms of the quiver introduced in [CMP08], associated to the Langlands dual homogeneous space. This enumeration method generalizes the use of Young diagrams for Grassmannians and Lagrangian Grassmannians and can be defined type-independently. The obtained Laurent polynomials coincide with the results obtained so far in [PRW16] and [PR13] for quadrics and Lagrangian Grassmannians. We also obtain new Laurent polynomial Landau–Ginzburg models for orthogonal Grassmannians, the Cayley plane and the Freudenthal variety.

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