
The latest developments in wearable sensors have resulted in a wide range of devices available to consumers, allowing users to monitor and improve their physical activity, sleep patterns, cognitive load, and stress levels. However, the lack of out-of-the-lab labelled data hinders the development of advanced machine learning models for predicting affective states. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, there are no publicly available datasets in the area of Human Memory Augmentation. This paper presents a dataset we collected during a 13-week study in a university setting. The dataset, named LAUREATE, contains the physiological data of 42 students during 26 classes (including exams), daily self-reports asking the students about their lifestyle habits (e.g. studying hours, physical activity, and sleep quality) and their performance across multiple examinations. In addition to the raw data, we provide expert features from the physiological data, and baseline machine learning models for estimating self-reported affect, models for recognising classes vs breaks, and models for user identification. Besides the use cases presented in this paper, among which Human Memory Augmentation, the dataset represents a rich resource for the UbiComp community in various domains, including affect recognition, behaviour modelling, user privacy, and activity and context recognition.

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