
Building Information Modelling (BIM), the booming digital technology in the global architectural, engineering, and co nstruction (AEC) industries, is changing the project management not only from the technological persp ective but also the way of team collaboration. As academia st aff in the AEC field, the authors have been working on exploring the implementation of BIM education in the university curriculum, equipping students with the initial BIM knowledge, and further training students to prepare themselves in the future AEC job market. The newly created BIM module in the university recruited final year students from multiple disciplines, including architecture, ci vil engineering, and architectural environmental engineering. A real-life project was used in the module to enable students from different backgrounds to work in a team by utilizing the BIM as the teamwork tool. Students’ group work of applying BIM is presented in this study. Discussion from student group presentations sparked insights on how to overcome potential barriers when replacing the trad itional 2D system with BIM. This study is developed to provide an example a nd initial thoughts of how the university education could be updated to meet the AEC industry need.

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