
We report a 2D plot Tc(δ, η) for the doped perovskites, where δ is the doping and η is the mismatch between the CuO2 layers and the rocksalt layers. We identify for the first time the quantum critical point (QCP) at ηc=0.035 ± 0.005 and δc=0.15 ± 0.03 for the onset of the polaron stripes coexisting with itinerant carriers. The plot Tc(η), for δ=constant, shows the highest Tc at the critical point ηc. The lattice mismatch η drives the system to this QCP of the electron-lattice interaction λ(ηc) for local lattice deformations at metallic densities. The incommensurate superlattice of charge-lattice (polaron) stripes are due to critical fluctuations near this QCP. The solution of the mystery of the anomalous normal phase of high-Tc superconductors implies a solution for the pairing mechanism: the attractive pseudo-Jahn-Teller polaron-polaron interaction and a particular type of critical charge and spin fluctuations (forming a superlattice of quantum stripes tuned at a “shape resonance”) near this QCP play a key role in the pairing mechanism.

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