
The configurational properties of a single polyelectrolyte chain accompanied by counterions and added salt are simulated using the cooperative motion algorithm on the face-centered cubic lattice. In particular, a greater emphasis is put on the effect of valence z(s) and concentration of the added positive (negative) salt ions n(s) on the polymer behavior. This is achieved by inspecting two families of systems with widely varying numbers n(s) of monovalent (z(s)=1) or multivalent (z(s)=4) salt ions at two fixed reduced temperatures T*=0.5, 1. The calculations indicate that especially at the lower temperature the addition of some amount of multivalent salt has a tremendous impact on chain conformations compared to the situation with monovalent salt. Even for relatively low concentrations of the former, the mean radius of gyration <s2>(1/2) and the mean end-to-end distance <R2>(1/2) decrease sharply, i.e., the polymer exists in strongly collapsed forms. This reduction of polymer size is also accompanied by a drop in the system inner energy e* and the effective mean charge per monomer q*. The analysis of various pair-correlation functions g(ab)(r) indicates that the latter effect-caused by condensation of ions onto the chain-is dominated by the multivalent ones. Furthermore, it is found that for z(s)=4, the uncondensed salt ions tend to group themselves into small clusters.

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