
DyZn 2 has an orthorhombic CeCu 2 -type structure. Between 29 K and the Neel temperature of 35 K, the magnetic structure is that of sinusoidal modulation characterized by a wavevector q m =ζ m c*, where ζ m is approximately 0.45 (MAF). The magnetic moments are parallel to the b -axis and, hence, the modulation is transverse. Below 29 K, the wavevector is 0.5 c* and the compound is a simple antiferro magnet. On this study, X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out on a single crystal of DyZn 2 . There is an anomaly in the thermal expansion at the Neel temperature, and satellite peaks were observed at 2 q m in the MAF phase. The amplitude of the lattice modulation u was observed to depend on ζ m . The fact that the lattice modulation has wavevector 2 q m has been examined on the basis of a model which takes into account modifications of the exchange interactions due to atomic displacements. Furthermore, the same model can explain the change of the thermal expansion. Measurements in magnetic fields up ...

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