
Words provide a useful source of information for Chinese NLP, and word segmentation has been taken as a pre-processing step for most downstream tasks. For many NLP tasks, however, word segmentation can introduce noise and lead to error propagation. The rise of neural representation learning models allows sentence-level semantic information to be collected from characters directly. As a result, it is an empirical question whether a fully character-based model should be used instead of first performing word segmentation. We investigate a neural representation that simultaneously encodes character and word information without the need for segmentation. In particular, candidate words are found in a sentence by matching with a pre-defined lexicon. A lattice structured LSTM is used to encode the resulting word-character lattice, where gate vectors are used to control information flow through words, so that the more useful words can be automatically identified by end-to-end training. We compare the performance of the resulting lattice LSTM and baseline sequence LSTM structures over both character sequences and automatically segmented word sequences. Results on NER show that the character-word lattice model can significantly improve the performance. In addition, as a general sentence representation architecture, character-word lattice LSTM can also be used for learning contextualized representations. To this end, we compare lattice LSTM structure with its sequential LSTM counterpart, namely ELMo. Results show that our lattice version of ELMo gives better language modeling performances. On Chinese POS-tagging, chunking and syntactic parsing tasks, the resulting contextualized Chinese embeddings also give better performance than ELMo trained on the same data.


  • IntroductionWords are a basic unit of semantic information, and have been taken as a basic source of features for Chinese NLP

  • C HINESE sentences are naturally written as sequences of characters

  • Rich experiments show that our model significantly outperforms both character sequence labeling models and word sequence labeling models using LSTM-CRF, giving the best results over a variety of Chinese named entity recognition (NER) datasets across different domains

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Words are a basic unit of semantic information, and have been taken as a basic source of features for Chinese NLP. Word segmentation [1] has been taken as a pre-processing step for downstream Chinese tasks such as POS-tagging [2], parsing [3] and information extraction [4]. Chinese word segmentation models are far from being perfect. Word segmentation can be useful for Manuscript received November 8, 2019; revised March 24, 2020; accepted April 26, 2020. Date of publication April 30, 2020; date of current version June 1, 2020. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr Taro Watanabe. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr Taro Watanabe. (Yue Zhang, Yile Wang, and Jie Yang contributed to this work.) (Corresponding author: Yue Zhang.)

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