
This Master’s Thesis discusses the lattice design of a transfer line for ultra short bunches from FLUTE to cSTART. The compact Storage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology cSTART is a test facility for novel techniques of storing ultra short bunches. The goal of cSTART is to develop a new generation of compact light sources which combine the benefits of linear and circular accelerator facilities, the radiation of short light pulses with a high repetition rate. The Ferninfrarot Linac- und Test-Experiment FLUTE serves as a full energy injector for cSTART, providing bunches with a length of only a few femtoseconds and stable beam parameters. As a consequence of the spatial arrangement of injector and storage ring, a transfer line is required which deflects the bunches in both transverse planes. The unavoidable dispersion affects the path length for off-energy particles and consequentially increases the bunch length. A concept for guiding the FLUTE bunches and avoiding the longitudinal spreading is developed in this thesis, taking into account the technical limitations, coupled transverse optics and non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics. In addition, tracking simulations including radiation effects prove the compression performance of the transfer line.

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