
Four cruises of the German research vessel RV SONNE (cruises SO101, SO103, SO104 and SO161) surveyed the Chilean continental margin and oceanic plate using seismic measurements across the Peru-Chile Trench, swath-mapping bathymetry, sediment echosounding, dredges and gravity-core sampling. In this paper, we present data from cruise SO161 derived from the sediment-filled sector of the trench between 35 and 44° S. South of 33°10′ S, sediment fill in the trench ranges from 2200 to 3500 m thickness. The sediment volume decreases northwards, as the trench width narrows from 80 km at 41° S to 25 km at 33° S. Turbidity currents enter the trench mainly via nine canyon systems that are deeply incised into the continental slope. Reflection patterns from the trench fill exhibit a cyclicity that can be linked to Milankovic cycles. Turbiditic deposits at elevated positions within the trench indicate Pleistocene mass-wasting events that were able to overcome a height difference of some hundred meters. Within the trench, a fraction of the turbidity currents is channelled by a northward-dipping, axial channel. This axial channel has eroded up to 200 m into the trench fill and from 42° S, it extends northwards some 1000 km, terminating at the foot of the Juan Fernandez Ridge. The channel has no continuous precursor and might have evolved its present-day form during the last glaciation.

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