
We present theoretical line profiles and intensity maps from an axi-symmetric radiative wind model from a fast rotating Be star (Araújo & Freitas Pacheco, 1989; Araújo et al, 1993). The introduction of a viscosity parameter in the latitude dependent hydrodynamic code enables us to consider the effects of the viscous force in the azimuthal component of momentum equations. The line force is the same as Friend and Abbott (1986), but it is introduced a varying contribution of thin and thick lines from pole to equator by adopting latitude-dependent radiative parameters. The numerical calculation for parameters characteristic of early Be stars gives a density contrast between equator and pole of the order of 100. The total mass loss rates range from 10-8 to 10-7 solar mass per year. Furthermore, the “opening-angle” usually adopted in had-hoc models (Lamers and Waters, 1987; Waters et al., 1991) arises naturally as a result of our model. The velocity fields and density laws derived from the hydrodynamic equations have been used for solving the statistical equilibrium equations. By adopting the Sobolev approximation, we could easily obtain a good estimate of both electronic density and hydrogen level populations throughout the envelope (Stee and Araújo, 1994).

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