
AbstractThe author contends that the United States has become a multicultural nation, and the variety of traditions “will be a defining characteristic of the next twenty‐five years. The Latino community in the United States will be at the forefront of this change.” Bordas says that her “article looks at the influence Latinos will have in guiding the transformation to a multicultural and equitable society. I refer to this as Latino Destino—the unique contribution Latinos will make in creating our inclusive future.” She describes four factors that will make this a reality, which in her words are (1) Latino Destino will cultivate a humanistic society that takes care of its people. (2) Latino Destino will celebrate an inclusive multicultural society. (3) Latino Destino will bring together our global community. (4) Latino Destino will prepare a new generation of leaders. A leadership lesson is described within each factor. “For instance, in factor 1, she says that “Latinos determine people's worth on how they treat others.” In factor 2, “Inclusive leadership integrates the values and preferences of many cultures in a respectful and productive manner.” In factor 3, “Being bilingual is a great asset in our multicultural world.”

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