
Latina/os are members of the largest and also one of the fastest growing minority groups in the United States. However, they are disproportionately underrepresented in more highly compensated professional and leadership roles across corporate America. Recognizing the importance of cultural variables in their career development, this article advances a theoretical framework of how outcomes associated with the Latina/o acculturation–enculturation process may factor into different aspects of their career success. While Latina/os may encounter acculturative stressors in their careers as a result of their experiences with this process, many are well adapted and thrive due to the positive influence of bicultural supports, which can serve as a protective factor and provide positive career-related resources that facilitate Latina/o professionals’ objective and subjective career success. Through this lens, we offer important insight on how these cultural factors can help Latina/o professionals bridge the cultural divide of their corporate American workplaces.

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