
Part 1 The debate: dependency and the historian - further objections dependency revisited the hegemonic form of the political - a thesis. Part 2 The aftermath of independence: the transition from colonialism in Colombia, 1819-1875 protectionism and industrialization in Mexico, 1821-1854 - the case of Puebla economic policy and growth in Chile from independence to the war of the Pacific. Part 3 The classical age of imperialism: the state and business practice in Argentina, 1862-1914 railways and industrialization - Argentina and Brazil, 1870-1930 external forces and the transformation of Peruvian coastal agriculture 1880-1929 British imperialism in Uruguay - the public utility companies an the batllista state, 1900-1930. Part 4 The era of disputed hegemony: the political economy of revolutionary Mexico, 1900-1940 external disequilibrium and internal industrialization - Chile, 1914-1935 politics and the economy of the Dominican Republic, 1890-1930 dependency, historiography and objections to the Roca pack Anglo-Brazilian economic relations and the consolidation of American pre-eminence in Brazil, 1930-1945. Part 5 The new order: the US, the Cold War and Peron Latin America and the new international division of labour - a critique of some recent views state, multinationals and the working class in Brazil and Mexico foreign finance and capital accumulation in Latin America - a critical approach a reappraisal of the role or primary exports in Latin America transnational corporations, comparative advantage and food security in Latin America.

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