
A preference for the left-eye use during aggressive interactions has been widely reported in the literature, even though in some cases the direction of lateralization varies among individuals within populations. Laterality of aggression in male Siamese fighting fish has been described in a number of studies, yet very little is known about lateralization of aggression during reproduction and/or parental care in fish. Here, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the different reproductive phases and lateralization in eye use during aggressive interactions in males of Siamese fighting fish. Lateralization in eye use is influenced during the early reproductive state, before and after the bubble nest construction stages. We found that nest-holding males preferentially used the right eye before and after bubble nest construction independent of the sex of the intruder. During the later reproductive phases, aggressiveness increased whereby the direction of lateralization rather than the degree was influenced supporting the hypothesis that reproductive state influences behavioral consistency in Siamese fighting fish.

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