
The laterality of projections from the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) to the inferior colliculus was studied in adult and immature postnatal ferrets. In the adult ferret, large unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the inferior colliculus labeled about equal proportions of cells in the ipsilateral and contralateral lateral superior olivary nuclei. The contralateral labeled cells consistently were more densely labeled than those on the ipsilateral side. Double labeling experiments using fluorescent dyes indicated that only about 3% of LSO cells in the adult give rise to collaterals ending in the inferior colliculus on both sides. As expected, the distribution of labeled cells varied topographically in the LSO as a function of the injection site in the inferior colliculus. Dorsolateral inferior collicular injections labeled cells in the lateral limb of the LSO, whereas ventromedial injections labeled cells in the medial limb of the LSO. The proportion of ipsilateral and contralateral labeled cells also varied across the lateral-medial axis of the LSO in some cases. A gradient in laterality was observed in these cases with the lateral limb of the LSO containing the highest proportion of contralateral labeled cells, and the medial limb, the highest proportion of ipsilateral labeled cells. Larger inferior collicular injections resulted in greater proportions of ipsilateral labeling in LSO than smaller injections. Finally, ipsilateral labeled cells tended to be in the marginal region of the LSO, whereas contralateral labeled cells were more common within the core region of the LSO, irrespective of the location along the lateral-medial axis of LSO. The contralateral predominance of labeled cells, greater density of labeling in contralateral cells, different topographic distribution, and regional segregation of ipsilateral and contralateral labeled cells were typical of the LSO in ferret kits by birth, one month before the onset of hearing. Nevertheless, the relative proportion of ipsilateral and contralateral projection cells appears to change during postnatal development.

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