
The lateral restorable characteristics of a translational symmetry high- T c superconducting maglev system are investigated by measuring its resonant frequency ( f RF) after a lateral displacement. The difference between whether this lateral displacement is restorable, meaning elastic or inelastic, is determined by whether or not the maglev body returns to its original position after a lateral displacement. The maximum restorable lateral displacement ( δ MRLD) is determined by the sudden change of the f RF vs. the maximum lateral displacement ( δ MLD) curve. The f RF of the high- T c superconducting maglev system with different field-cooling height (FCH) and working height (WH) was obtained from the frequency domain vibration curve which was measured by a vibration measurement system. The results showed that, the δ MRLD was reduced when the WH was decreased. The maximum restorable guidance force ( F MRGF) was found to not always increase with the lowering of the WH for the same FCH. The lateral restorable stiffness ( k LRS) was always enhanced with the decrease of the WH. The decrease of the δ MRLD with the WH is interpreted by the fact that, the tangential field component (Δ H) across the surface of the high- T c superconductor (HTSC) is easier to exceed the J cλ value ( J c is the critical current density and λ is the London penetration depth) when the WH is lowered, and this makes the trapped flux lines become more susceptible in escaping its pinning sites.

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