
Gingival recession is defined as the apical migration of the gingival margin from its physiologic level which further causes pathologic exposure of root surfaces. Mucogingival esthetic surgery includes the treatment of mucogingival esthetic alterations. The Mucogingival problems may be caused by gingival recession which is often associated with non-carious cervical lesion or by root caries or by altered passive eruption. Root coverage is achieved by many procedures like free gingival autografts, pedicle graft and connective tissue grafts. Recession can be treated by surgical or non-surgical means. surgical procedure includes various methods of increasing the width of keratinized tissue such as frenectomy in case of high frenal attachment & root coverage procedures and nonsurgical approach include-restorations, crowns, veneers and gingival masks. Lateral displaced pedicle flap was first described by Grupe and Warren in 1956 which was indicated in area to cover isolated apical migration of gingiva, & denuded root surfaces that have adequate amount of donor tissue adjacent to the recipient site. In few clinical studies it is seen that the success rate with Lateral pedicle graft is 70%, it is preferred over free gingival autografts in narrow and shallow gingival defects. This case report present the predictability of root coverage by using Lateral pedicle grafts in single tooth narrow and shallow gingival recession. Keywords: Lateral pedicle graft, Gingival recession, Attachment loss, Graft.

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