
Severe drought events negatively affect tree growth and often cause legacy effects, expressed by smaller tree rings in the post-drought recovery years. While the pattern of reduced tree-ring widths is frequently described the processes underlying such legacy effects, i.e., whether it is due to shorter growth periods or lower growth rates, remains unclear and is investigated in this study. To elucidate these post-drought effects, we examined radial stem growth dynamics monitored with precision band-dendrometers on 144 Douglas fir, Norway spruce and silver fir sample trees distributed along four elevational gradients in the Black Forest (Southwest Germany) during the post-drought years 2019 and 2020. Growth onset of all investigated species occurred between 11 and 24 days significantly earlier in 2020 compared to 2019. Modelling growth onset based on chilling and forcing units and taking the study year into account explained 88–98 % of the variance in the growth onset data. The highly significant effect of the study year (p < 0.001) led to the conclusion, that other factors than the prevailing site conditions (chilling and forcing units) must have triggered the earlier growth onset in 2020. On the other hand, for Douglas fir growth rates were significantly higher in 2020 compared to 2019 (2.9 μm d−1) and marginally significantly higher for silver fir (1.3 μm d−1), underlining the explanatory power of growth rate on recovery processes in general and suggesting that Douglas fir copes better with droughts, as it recovered faster. Growth dynamics at the beginning of the year showed limited growth for earlier growth onsets, which, however, could not explain the difference between the investigated years. Our results provide evidence that legacy effects of drought events are expressed by a delayed growth onset and a reduced growth rate in the post-drought year and that Douglas fir has a superior recovery potential.

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