
When targeting structural acoustic objectives, engineering practitioners face epistemic uncertainties in the selection of optimal geometries and material distributions, particularly during early stages of the design process. Models built for simulating acoustic phenomena generally produce vector-valued output quantities of interest, such as autospectral density and frequency response functions. Given finite compute resources and time we seek computationally parsimonious ways to distill meaningful design information into actionable results from a limited set of model runs, and thus aim to use machine learning to perform model order reduction. Unlike time series data for which recurrent neural networks can learn from prior time steps to inform subsequent steps, frequency-dependent data demands a different machine learning paradigm. We thus evaluate the utility of autoencoders to represent structural acoustic results with a low dimensional latent space to enable such objectives as surrogate modeling for design optimization. We demonstrate the accuracy of autoencoder based methods of constructing a manifold representation for frequency dependent functions of varying modal density and damping, and discuss the predictive capability thereof.

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