
The article analyzes latent corruption crime and the problems of its detection, the reasons for its existence and growth. The author emphasizes the importance of studying this issue given the extremely high level of latency of corruption crime, which creates significant problems in combating it. It is noted that when studying the level of natural latency of corruption offenses, it is advisable to use the methodology of criminological stratification of society, but with a large-scale victimization study.
 The author also proposes other methods of studying the latency of corruption offenses. The author emphasizes that the list of such methods is not exhaustive. And a more accurate picture of the real indicators of the latency of corruption crime can be obtained only with the integrated application of various methods and comparison of the results obtained.
 It is noted that one of the reasons for the latency of corruption crime is a specific relationship in which none of the parties involved is considered a victim or a victimized party, and the party impedes the criminal prosecution conducted by law enforcement agencies so that they do not learn about the commission of a criminal offense.
 The author reveals the relevance and importance of combating the latency of corruption crime.
 The author concludes that a true assessment of governmental corruption, the extent of corruption, and the nature of corruption helps to make a correct assessment of the situation with corruption and its structure, to predict its possible development and consequences, to formulate effective anti-corruption strategies and tactics, and to identify adequate means of preventing corruption in Ukraine.
 The specificity of relations in corruption offenses, specific methods of their commission and related methods of concealment reflect the existing high level of latency of corruption offenses. The latency of corruption is a reason that prevents the detection of such criminal offenses directly during their preparation or commission and does not allow to focus on the specific conditions and circumstances necessary for their elimination. All of these facts significantly complicate the process of detecting corruption offenses, which is characterized by the need to use complex methods and specific tools and measures that differ from those used to detect and prove other types of criminal offenses.

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