
We report results from a comprehensive surface exposure dating campaign in eastern Finnmark, located in the northernmost part of Norway and close to the Norwegian-Russian border. This is a palaeo-glaciologically important region as it sits near the proposed border-zone between the former Scandinavian and Barents Sea Ice Sheets. However, until now the deglaciation history has few direct dates onshore and the chronology of ice front retreat is instead found by correlating ice-marginal deposits with isostatically raised shorelines and marine sediment cores. We measured the content of 10Be (N = 22) and 36Cl (N = 17) from boulders located at the crest of major moraine ridges at four localities; Kjæs, Kongsfjorden, Vardø and Kirkenes. These are key localities of existing regional reconstructions of ice recession in this area. Despite some spread in age results from each locality due to methodological challenges associated with surface exposure dating, the large numbers of samples from each site except Kjæs still allow for obtaining clusters of similar ages which are used for arriving at a likely chronology of ice front retreat. Our results show that the Kongsfjorden and Vardø moraines were deposited 14.3 ± 1.7 ka and 13.6 ± 1.4 ka, respectively, and thus point to a Older Dryas age of the proposed ‘Outer Porsanger’ deglaciation sub-stage. Moraine ridges belonging to the ‘Main’ sub-stage near Kirkenes were dated to 11.9 ± 1.2 ka, corresponding well with the ice retreat chronology farther west in northern Norway and suggesting that the maximum Younger Dryas ice sheet extent was attained in the late Younger Dryas along a more than 500 km long stretch in northernmost Scandinavia.

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