
Pollen analysis, glacial varve chronology and palaeomagnetic measurements were carried out on Late Weichselian lake sediments from southwestern Smaland, south Sweden. The sequence is correlated to the GRIP event stratigraphy, expressed in calendar years BP, and covers the period from the deglaciation at c. 14 400 to 11 300 calendar years BP. The series encompasses c. 930 varves and has been connected to the local varve chronology. Varve thickness increases markedly after the Older Dryas stadial, which indicates an accelerated deglaciation and melting of dead ice. The pollen diagram displays the vegetation development from the deglaciation at c. 14 400 calendar years BP to the transition to the Holocene. The vegetation succession starts with an arctic pioneer vegetation at the deglaciation, changes to a more stable tundra environment and displays a development which concurs with the traditional lateglacial pollen stratigraphy for southern Sweden. A palaeo‐magnetic secular variation curve is presented displaying two westerly declination swings at 14200‐13800 and 12 800‐11 600 calendar years BP, respectively. The upper one can be recognized from other palaeomagnetic stratigraphies from southern Sweden and Estonia.

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