
We study the possibility that the quintessence field responsible for the dark energy and the present day acceleration of the universe is given by a condensate field generated at a late phase transition scale determined by the condensation scale. We show that the quintessence field can be described naturally by the condensates of a non‐abelian gauge group. The non‐perturbative effects generated by a strong gauge coupling constant can de determined and a scalar potential for the dark meson fields is generated parameterizing the dark energy. On the other hand it is the massive particles, e.g. dark baryons, of the dark gauge group that give the corresponding dark matter. This gauge group is unified with the standard model gauge groups. The model has no free parameters. Even the initial energy density at the unification scale and at the condensation scale are fixed by the number of degrees of freedom of the gauge group. The cosmological observations are pushing the condensation scale to an epoch close to radiation and matter equality and this late time phase transition is the reason why the universe is accelerating at present time.

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