
Aims/Purpose: To Report T‐Flux® implant (Zeiss, La Rochelle, France) extrusion, as a new complication of non‐penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS). Analyse the risk factors that lead to it. Describe the treatment realized, and its complications.Methods: 5 eyes of 5 patients who had undergone NPDS Surgery and presented a late T‐Flux® extrusion were included in this study. We made an epidemiological description of the cases. The treatment consisted in surgical exploration, extraction of the T‐Flux® and closure of the scleral and conjunctival defect. In 1 patient reopening of the scleral flap was needed to access and extract the implant. In the postoperative, values of intraocular pressure (IOP) and complications were evaluated.Results: Of the 5 patients, 2 were man and 3 were female, the mean age was 78 years old, the mean time from the implantation until the extrusion was 11 years and 7 months. Mitomycin C was applied intraoperative during the NPDS in all cases, the concentration used was 0.02%, and the application time 1 min. 4 of the patients were operated by the same surgeon, one of the cases was re intervened later with trabeculectomy. All cases presented a partial or total dissolution of the scleral flap. There was no significant variation on the IOP prior and after surgery, The mean IOP at the diagnosis was 14 mmHg, and the mean IOP postoperative was 13.4. One patient had post surgical seidel that resolved without the need of re intervention.Conclusions: Extrusion T‐Flux® implant is a late postoperative complication of NPDS, unknown up to date, that may occur many years after the original intervention. Treatment consists in surgical extraction and repair. In our experience this complication might be related to mitomycin C use, given that all of our eyes presented a scleral flap necrosis. There is a need of more reports on this complication, to approach its real incidence and predisposing factors.

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