
On continental margins, the upper slope to shelf break environment forms a critical region where sediment supply, hydrographic activity and gravitational processes determine how and when sediments are partitioned between the shallow- and deep-marine realm. On the SW Iberian margin, relatively few studies have addressed the dynamics of this region, although it holds key information regarding the link between the sedimentary evolution of the continental shelf and the contourite depositional system on the middle slope. This work therefore presents a high-resolution analysis of the morphological and stratigraphic expressions of late Quaternary (dominantly last glacial and present-day interglacial) sedimentary processes on the upper slope and shelf margin sector between 7° and 7°30’ W.The integration of seismic, bathymetric and hydrographic data reveals the presence of alongslope processes and products (a bottom current-related plastered drift, moat, erosional surface and terrace, an internal wave-/tide-controlled sediment wave field), downslope (gravitational) processes and products (an upper slope – shelf margin valley system, slumps, debrites, gullies), neotectonic elements (diapirs) and fluid flow features (pockmarks, bright spots). The spatial distribution of these features indicates that the study area becomes increasingly alongslope-dominated towards the W, and oppositely, more downslope-dominated towards the E, because sediment supply to the latter area is enhanced under the dominant eastward dispersal of fluvially supplied sediments on the shelf. In addition, glacial-interglacial variations in the amount of sediments supplied to the shelf edge and the intensity of oceanographic processes in the study area also generate a distinct temporal variability, with glacial and interglacial intervals respectively recording principally downslope- and alongslope-controlled morphological elements. Finally, regardless of these overall spatial and temporal patterns, diapirism and fluid flow are inferred to locally destabilize sediments and induce small-scale mass wasting in the study area. These findings are not only relevant to the northern Gulf of Cadiz, but also to the general understanding of sedimentary dynamics and controls in mixed downslope- and alongslope-controlled upper slope to shelf margin settings worldwide.

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