
Faulted alluvial fans and bajadas along the central Laguna Salada fault zone in northernBajaCaliforniarecordarecurrent history of oblique-slip Holocene earthquakes.Alluvialsurfaces,whichrangefrom late Pleistocene to historic in age have been progressively displaced along the base of the crystalline rangefront, as well as along more basinward fault splays in alluvium. The recurrence interval determined from displacedalluvialdepositsthataredatedby soil profile development is in the range of 1‐2 ka, with a corresponding right lateral slip rate of ;2‐3 mm/yr, similar to that of thesouthernElsinorefaultinsouthernCalifornia. The most recent event along the fault zone is probably the widely felt earthquake of February 23, 1892. At least 22 km ofthefaultzonerupturedduringthisevent, along both an oblique-dextral section of the northwest-strikingLagunaSaladafaultand

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