
Three successive species ofNeohipparionare recognized from the Gulf Coastal Plain:N. affinefrom the early Clarendonian Lapara Creek Fauna of Texas;N. trampasensefrom the very late Clarendonian and early Hemphillian of Florida; andN. eurystylefrom the late early and late Hemphillian of Florida. Numerous specimens from the Love Site, Alachua County, Florida, as well as from other faunas of similar age from Florida, Kansas, and Nebraska (e.g., the Xmas-Kat Quarries), are referred toN. trampasense. This species is ancestral to all later species ofNeohipparion, as it shares with them many advanced dental characters, but often in a rudimentary or intermediate form. Five valid species constitute the monophyletic genusNeohipparion, which ranges from the late Barstovian to the latest Hemphillian (late Miocene through earliest Pliocene) in North America. A close phylogenetic relationship betweenNeohipparionand “Merychippus”republicanusand/orPseudhipparionis proposed based on similarities of cranial and dental features.

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