
Hormonal imprinting is a physiological process, which is a part of the receptor-hormone complex development. It determines the binding capacity of the receptors across the lifespan. It takes place perinatally in the critical period of hormone receptor development, when the developmental window for imprinting is open and permits the binding of hormone-like molecules (related or synthetic hormones, endocrine disruptors etc.) causing disturbances of the endocrine system, and the systems- influenced organs by it, for life. This is the faulty hormonal imprinting. However, studying the medical database, PubMed, a lot of data can be found on the harmful late (adult age) effects of medication in the critical period of development with non-hormonal molecules, which are manifested later in functional alterations or diseases. This could mean that in the process of faulty imprinting, the openness of the developmental window could be more important than the structural similarity of a molecule to hormones. As developmentally critical period for faulty imprinting by hormone-like molecules is not exclusively the perinatal one (this is justified in the case of faulty hormonal imprinting), the pubertal period was also studied from this aspect and similarities to the impact of perinatal use have been found (this could be called "Pubertal Origin of Health and Disease = POHaD). While in the case of hormonal faulty imprinting, the mechanism seems to be clear (considering the role of receptors), the mechanism of drug-provoked imprinting is presently uncleared (considering the variety of medications which cause late-manifested alterations). The medicaments-caused faulty imprinting conception calls attention to the dangers of medication in the perinatal as well as the pubertal periods. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(2): 43-49.


  • Late manifested sequelae of medications in the critical periods of development The widening of the faulty hormonal imprinting conception

  • Studying the medical database, PubMed, a lot of data can be found on the harmful late effects of medica­ tion in the critical period of development with non-hormonal molecules, which are manifested later in functional alterations or diseases

  • This could mean that in the process of faulty imprinting, the openness of the developmental window could be more important than the structural similarity of a molecule to hormones

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Az egyedfejlődés kritikus fázisaiban történő gyógyszeres kezelések késői következményei. Studying the medical database, PubMed, a lot of data can be found on the harmful late (adult age) effects of medica­ tion in the critical period of development with non-hormonal molecules, which are manifested later in functional alterations or diseases This could mean that in the process of faulty imprinting, the openness of the developmental window could be more important than the structural similarity of a molecule to hormones. Ugyanakkor a receptor érésének éppúgy van kritikus fázisa, mint a magatartási imprintingnek, amikor a hormon hiánya vagy túlsúlya, valamint a hormonhoz hasonló molekulák (hormoncsaládok rokon tagjai, természetes vagy mesterséges hormonszerű molekulák [például endokrin disruptorok]) ugyancsak kötődni tud­ nak a fejlődő receptorhoz, hibás imprintinget hozva lét­ re, életre szóló következményekkel (a receptor kötési képességének megváltozása, betegségekre való hajlam és betegségek megjelenése, az idegrendszeri tevékenység és az immunrendszer megváltozása, a szexuális magatartás eltérései stb.). Az alábbiakban következzen néhány válogatott adat a perinatalis és serdülőkori gyógyszeres kezelések és a ké­ sői kóros elváltozások kapcsolatához

Perinatalis időszak
Állatkísérleti eredmények
Serdülőkori kezelések
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