
Integrated foraminiferal and geochemical analyses of the upper Maastrichtian-lower Danian succession of the Gebel Tawil Shihaq section in the Central Jordan Plateau has been conducted to interpret the nature of that succession within a sequence stratigraphic context. The studied succession covers the interval of the CF4-P1c planktonic foraminiferal zones. The incorporation of foraminiferal and geochemical proxies led to the recognition of four 3rd order depositional sequences, three in the Maastrichtian (M-Sq1, M-Sq2, and M-Sq3) and one in the Danian (D-Sq1). These depositional sequences are bounded by four sequence boundaries, detected based on abrupt faunal (e.g., zonal interruption, foraminiferal turnover) and geochemical (e.g., dolomitization, Sr/Ca and nearby Ti/Al maxima, Mn and CaCO3 minima) shifts. Based on the paleodepth variation revealed from the foraminiferal analyses and the consistent behavior of the different geochemical proxies, a relative sea-level curve was established and consequently, the systems tracts of each depositional sequence were recognized. The development of the inferred relative sea-level curve reveals the twofold control of both global sea-level changes and regional tectonics. The latter resulted in amalgamation and elimination or modification of some sea-level cycles relative to the previously recognized eustatic schemes. At the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, a highly agitated phosphatized event bed is intercalated and exposes distinctive unique lithological, geochemical, and biostratigraphical characteristics denoting a long-lasting period of non-deposition and erosion commonly interrelated to the tectonic impact of the Syrian Arc Orogeny (SAO).

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