
Palynomorph distribution in Euramerica and western Gondwana, from the Latest Givetian to the Latest Famennian, may be explained, to some extent, by climatic changes. Detailed miospore stratigraphy dates accurately the successive steps of these changes. Interpretation is built on three postulates which are discussed: Euramerica at slightly lower latitudes than generally accepted by most paleomagnetic reconstructions; a conodont time-scale accepted as the most used available subdivision of time; and Late Devonian sea-level fluctuations mainly governed by glacio-eustasy. The Frasnian–Famennian timescale is also evaluated. The comparison, based on conodont correlations, between Givetian and most of the Frasnian miospore assemblages from, respectively, northern and southern Euramerica demonstrates a high taxonomic diversity in the equatorial belt and much difference between supposed equatorial and (sub) tropical vegetations. On the contrary, a similar vegetation pattern and therefore probably compatible climatic conditions were present from tropical to subpolar areas. A rather hot climate culminated during the Latest Frasnian when equatorial miospore assemblages reached their maximum width. The miospore diversity shows also a rather clear global Late Frasnian minimum which is also recorded during the Early and Middle Famennian but only in low latitude regions while, in high latitude, very cold climates without perennial snow may explain the scarcity of miospores and so, of vegetation. The Early and Middle Famennian conspicuous latitudinal gradient of the vegetation seems to attenuate towards the Late and Latest Famennian but this might be above all the result of the development, of cosmopolitan coastal lowland vegetations (downstream swamps) depending more on the moisture and equable local microclimates than on the probably adverse climates of distant hinterland areas. During that time, periods of cold climate without perennial snow cover and with rare vegetation may have alternated with less cold but wetter climates, thus giving rise to the development of mountain glaciers in high latitudes and explaining the jerking character of the global major marine regression. In high latitude regions, the development of an ice cap reaching sea level is only recorded by the end of the Latest Famennian, immediately below the DCB but, even if glacial evidences are not known at near the FFB, a short (0.1 Ma?) glaciation seems the best reasonable explanation of the major eustatic fall following the Kellwasser Event. The sudden growth and decay of a hypothetical Earliest Famennian ice sheet can be explained by the reduction and, later, increase in greenhouse capacity of the atmosphere. These changes in the atmospheric CO 2 might have provoked changes in the mode of ocean-atmosphere operation. It may also be partly controlled by a volcanic paroxysm and/or bolide impacts. The Hony microtektites represent the best known evidence of the impact of extraterrestrial bodies on Earth corresponding to the UKW, and they are immediately followed by a regression, suggested by the quantitative analysis of acritarch assemblages. In the paleo-tropical Late Famennian, a peat-forming vascular plant community occurs for the first time and makes possible quantitative palynology of autochthonous sediments allowing the recognition of different swamp and near-swamp characteristic miospores. The early Latest Famennian starts with a widespread transgression which could correspond to the melting phases of the hypothetical Late Famennian mountain glaciers. During the end-Famennian, the coastal lowland vegetation has a worldwide distribution from sub-polar to equatorial regions. The climate has become less cold in high latitudes but wetter than before probably because the midlatitude cyclonic activity allows sufficient polar transportation of moisture to form large snow cover. Extensive coastal glaciers developed in different Bolivian and Brazilian basins, well dated by miospores. Rapid climatic changes characterize the onset of glaciation. The cyclic nature of climate allowed even intertropical marine faunas to reach occasionally the subpolar regions. For the plant kingdom, the crisis which follows the Hangenberg Event was more severe than the Late Frasnian Crisis.

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