
The late Eocene through Oligocene changes in the paleoceanography of the southernmost Indian Ocean have been reconstructed by means of a coarse fraction analysis of closely spaced samples (20 cm = about 20 kyr) from ODP Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau. Surface water productivity, reconstructed from accumulation rates of opal skeletons and benthic foraminifers is low in the early late Eocene, increases at about 36 Ma and shows a sharp increase to maximum values in the earliest Oligocene. In the early late Oligocene it decreases gradually to a minimum and increases again to a maximum in the latest Oligocene. Beside this general trend productivity varies in short-term cycles of a duration of about 400 kyr (340 kyr in the latest Oligocene) with maxima in productivity in warmer Oligocene periods. These productivity variations are reflected by strong variations in carbonate dissolution. Changes in bottom water mass chemistry have been deduced from the degree of carbonate dissolution and it's relation to productivity proxies. Following Kennett and Stott (1990), it is suggested that a proto-antarctic bottom water (proto-AABW) and an overlying warm, saline deep water (WSDW) from low latitudes shifted vertically and latitudinally with time and exerted their influence on the sediments of Site 744. Proto-AABW is detected by means of strong carbonate dissolution when productivity is low. WSDW is detected by means of an excellent carbonate preservation despite high productivity. Terrigenous material occurs as very coarse ice-rafted detritus (IRD) in the late Eocene (167–168.5 mbsf) and after a main shift in oxygen isotopes in the early Oligocene. Very low amounts of 40–125 μm sized mica and very few quartz grains occur only in high productivity periods and at the transition from low to high productivity periods. These occurrences are attributed to wind/current supply during warmer Oligocene intervals.

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