
Palynostratigraphic study that utilizes mainly spores and pollen was done on the Cretaceous sequences of the well Nasara-1 of the Gongola Basin of the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. The recovered spores and pollen in the well made the identification of five palynological zones possible: Droseridites senonicus (Coniacian–Santonian), Cretacaeiporites scabratus (Turonian), Triorites africaensis (Upper Cenomanian), Afropollis jardinus (Lower–Middle Cenomanian) and Elateroplicites africaensis– Elaterosporites klaszii– Elaterosporites protensus (Upper Albian). These zones are similar and correlatable to other Cretaceous palynologic zones in the West Africa and northern South American basins.

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