
AbstractLate blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, is the most destructive disease of potato worldwide. As this pathogen can rapidly overcome major race‐specific resistance genes, identifying the basis for enhanced quantitative resistance has become a crucial element for implementing advanced breeding strategies. A population of 230 full‐sib progeny derived from a cross between two diploid hybrid Solanum phureja × S. stenotomum clones was evaluated for foliage resistance against late blight in replicated trials at multiple locations in Pennsylvania between 1999 and 2002. In field experiments, plants were evaluated visually for per cent defoliation, and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was determined. The two parents and three control cultivars (‘Atlantic’, ‘Kennebec’ and ‘Katahdin’) were included in all trials. In all three experiments, the presence of a significant number of clones exhibiting transgressive segregation were observed. There were significant differences among environments as well as among clones, and the clone × environment interaction was also significant. Stability analysis revealed that 37 clones made a significant contribution to the overall environment × clone interaction. Broad‐sense heritability for resistance, measured as AUDPC, was estimated as 0.67. The overall results indicate the presence in this potato family of a high level of field resistance against late blight. This segregating diploid family appears to be a good candidate for quantitative trait loci mapping to identify and characterize the genetic components of partial late blight resistance.

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