
New petrographic and geochemical data show some differences between Variscan Bt-Ms granites occurring either as small plutons or dykes in the Strzelin Massif (SW Poland). The granites of the Gromnik and Gorka Sobocka plutons are rich in micas and crystallized from wet magmas; the granites in the dykes and in the Gebczyce pluton are mica-poorer and cordierite-bearing rocks, derived from “dryer” magmas. The lower initial eNd values in the Bt-Ms granites of the dykes, compared with those in the plutons, reflect a more signature of the former, possibly due to local crustal assimilation, via AFC, shortly before emplacement. Much more radiogenic initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios in the dykes, up to 0.726, further suggest the involvement of extraneous, hydrous crustal fluids enriched in 87 Sr during the evolution of late-stage magma derivatives. The new U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age of 296 ± 6 Ma for the Gebczyce Bt-Ms granite shows that this body belongs to the third stage of magmatism in the Strzelin Massif. The U-Pb SHRIMP zircon data for the Bt-Ms granite dykes provide ages similar to those of their host rocks: c. 295 Ma for the Gesiniec tonalite and the enclosed Bt-Ms granite, and c. 285 Ma for the Strzelin biotite granite and its Bt-Ms granite dykes. These new data from peraluminous rock-types complement our previous studies focused on the tonalites, granodiorites and biotite granites, and shed light on the late-stage igneous evolution of the Strzelin Massif.

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