
Female lifespan and reproduction, in terms of numberof larvae produced, of the soil-dwelling predatorymite Lasioseius fimetorum Karg (Acari:Podocinidae) fed on mould mites (Tyrophagusputrescentiae [Schrank] [Acarina: Acaridae]) wereinvestigated by laboratory experiments at 20 °C,as were the mite's consumption rates of various prey.After a preoviposition period of 10.7 days, L.fimetorum produced progeny at a daily rate of 0.7.The oviposition period lasted 23.6 days and a total of19.4 progeny were produced per female. Females livedfor 38.6 days. Eggs of the Collembola Isotomurusspp. (Collembola: Isotomidae) were consumed in thelargest amount by L. fimetorum followed by mouldmite nymphs, larvae and pupae of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis [Pergande] [Thysanoptera:Thripidae]), eggs of the Collembola Micrisotomaspp. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Isotomurus spp.nymphs and sciarid larvae (Bradysia pauperaTuomikoski and B. tritici (Coquillet) [Diptera:Sciaridae]). Immature drain flies (Psychoda spp.[Diptera: Psychodidae]) were not consumed by L.fimetorum. The suitability of L. fimetorum forbiological control of glasshouse pests withsoil-dwelling stages is discussed in comparison withanother predatory mite Hypoaspis miles Berlese(Acarina: Hypoaspididae).

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