
This new project relies on the capabilities collocated at LosAlamos in theTrident laser facility of long-pulse laser drive, for laser-plasma formation, and high-intensity short-pulse laser drive, for relativistic laser-matter interaction experiments. Specifically, we are working to understand quantitatively the physics that underlie the generation of laserdriven MeV0nucleon ion beams, in order to extend these capabilities over a range of ion species, to optimize beam generation, and to control those beams. Furthermore, we intend to study the interaction of these novel laser-driven ion beams with dense plasmas, which are relevant to important topics such as the fast-ignition method of inertial confinement fusion ~ICF!, weapons physics, and planetary physics. We are interested in irradiating metallic foils with the Trident short-pulse laser to generate medium to heavy ion beams ~Z 20–45! with high efficiency. At present, target-surface impurities seem to be the main obstacle to reliable and efficient acceleration of metallic ions in the foil substrate.Inordertoquantifytheproblem,measurementsofsurfaceimpuritiesontypicalmetallic-foillasertargetswere made. To eliminate these impurities, we resorted to novel target-treatment techniques such as Joule-heating and laser-ablation, using a long-pulse laser intensity of ;10 10 W0cm 2 . Our progress on this promising effort is presented in this paper, along with a summary of the overall project.

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