
Laser welding of Al-Si-coated steels for hot stamping in automotive applications is problematic due to the mixing of the coating layers inside the molten pool that weakens the resulting weld seam. In this case, the most common welding procedure to overcome this issue consists in removing the Al-Si layer through laser ablation prior to the joining. This method continues to be the most widely used by major producers of tailor welded blanks, although in situ ablation of the Al-Si coating can be costly and time consuming. In this work, a novel approach consisting in joining as-received (i.e., not decoated) materials using a filler wire and an innovative variable energy distribution laser optics is introduced and tested on tailor welded blanks made of 22MnB5. Tensile tests of specimens obtained from a 33 full factorial design of experiment have shown an average value of ultimate tensile strength of 1523 MPa, which is much higher than the one usually observed in as-received welded then hot-stamped conditions and aligned with hot-stamped base material values. Hardness test results (494–543 HV0.5) were in the typical hot-stamped base material range of values as well, while SEM–EDS analyses detected no ferrite inclusions inside the fusion zone. Variations of the main process parameters have been considered on an iso-thickness and iso-material configuration, empirically demonstrating the stability and reliability of the proposed methodology as well as its suitability for production purposes.

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