
The 0 + u (4 1P) state of Zn 2 was excited near the crossing of the 1Σ + u (4 1P) and 3Π u (4 3P) states, using pump and probe methods with time resolution. A structured excitation spectrum was observed in the 530–570 nm region and is ascribed to the 3Π u(4 3P)← 3Π g(4 3P) vibronic transitions. A fluorescence spectrum which was emitted in the 250–306 nm region is believed to arise from the 1Σ + u→X 1Σ + g bound—free decay. It consists of a “Condon internal diffraction pattern” whose profile suggests that it was emitted from a high vibrational level ( v′ = 19) of the 1Σ + u state.

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