
Laser-Metal-Deposition (LMD) and Plasma-Transferred-Arc (PTA) are well known technologies which can be used for cladding purposes. The prime objective in combining LMD and PTA as a Hybrid Metal Deposition-Technology (HMD) is to achieve high deposition rates at low thermal impact. Possible applications are coatings for wear protection or repair welding for components made of steel. The two energy sources (laser and plasma arc) build a joint process zone and are configurated to constitute a stable process at laser powers between 0.4-1 kW (defocused) and plasma currents between 75-200 A. Stainless steel 316L serves as filler material. For this HMD process, a plasma Cu-nozzle is designed and produced by powder bed based Selective Laser Melting. The potential of the HMD technology is investigated and discussed considering existing processes. This paper demonstrates how the interaction of the two energy sources effects the following application-relevant properties: deposition rate, powder efficiency and energy input.

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