
Main objective of study was comparative analysis of Laser Land Levelling (LLL) vis-a-vis Conventional Land Levelling (CLL) in terms of resource use efficiency. Regression analysis along with economic concept of marginal value productivity (MVP) and marginal factor cost (MFC) were used to analyse resource use. Six variables were used to regress yield. The results of the study revealed that highest resource use efficiency were obtained in case of seed, while it was observed lowest in case fertilizers under laser land levelling (LLL) in paddy. Whereas, under conventional land levelling (CLL), highest resource use efficiency was found to be in case of labour while least resource use efficiency was obtained in irrigation. Similarly, in case of wheat highest and lowest resource use efficiency under laser land levelling technology were observed in inputs viz: seed and plant protection chemicals, respectively while, under conventional land levelling it was for inputs like labour and seed, respectively. Hence, study highlighted the strength of resource conservation potential of laser land levelling technology. Two variables i.e. irrigation and fertilizer impacted significantly with the adoption of laser land levelling, validated the outcomes of study by difference between MVP and MFC for these two particular inputs were found to be positive and close to zero indicated efficient utilizations of these resources. Hence, it is suggested that adoption of laser land levelling should be promoted on wider scale to tap its resource conservation potential.

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