
The luminescence spectra of naturally occurring fluor-apatites containing traces of rare-earth elements have been compared with synthetic fluor-apatites to which single rare-earth elements have been intentionally added. Comparison of the laser-induced spectra obtained after different time delays allows identification of the following luminescence centers: Ce 3+, Pr 3+, Nd 3+, Sm 3+, Eu 3+, Tb 3+, Dy 3+, Er 3+, Tm 3+, Yb 3+ and possibly Yb 2+. The technique described here allowed for the first time to detect the luminescence of Pr 3+, Eu 3+, Er 3+, Tm 3+ and Yb 3+ in natural apatites. Our results were compared with those obtained by ICP and correspondence was observed between the two methods. Our findings allow non-destructive detection by laser light of the different rare-earth elements in apatite minerals.

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