
Abstract We use ABCD matrix formalism for estimation of the coupling optics involving laser diode to cylindrical lensed circular core graded index fiber excitation. The investigation has been carried on for some typical step, parabolic, and triangular index fibers as examples of graded index fiber. It is relevant to mention in this connection that we have shown that the coupling optics is excellent along the vertical plane only while the coupling along the horizontal plane produces poor performance. Analytic expressions for coupling efficiencies are prescribed. The investigations have been made for two commonly used wavelengths, namely 1.3 and 1.5 µm. Our formulations require little computation for the necessary execution. The wavelength of 1.3 µm has been found to be more efficient in respect of coupling. Our formalism takes care of the limited aperture allowed by the cylindrical lens and thus provides the realistic prediction of coupling optics. The results will prove extremely useful to the designers and packagers working with cylindrical microlens.

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