
Based on the optical arrangement of a bipolar differential confocal microscopy (BDCM), laser differential fitting confocal microscopy (DFCM) is proposed in this paper using the feature of BDCM that a zero-crossing point (ZCP) of the axial response curve precisely corresponds to the focus of the system objective. A linear segment of the DFCM axial response around the ZCP is used to fit a straight line. Focus can be determined by solving the equations of the fitting lines, and then, the sample surface could be measured and reconstructed with a high resolution. Compared with the curve-fitting peak detection, which is an algorithm for focus detection widely used in conventional confocal microscopy, the line-fitting zero solution method used in DFCM has several advantages, such as high precision and sensitivity. Most importantly, precise focus detection can be realized using less data, i.e., DFCM has a high measurement efficiency. Furthermore, DFCM can effectively eliminate common-mode noise in a confocal microscopy system and has good noise suppression and disturbance resistance capability.

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