
Abstract: Laser Beam Machining (LBM) is an advanced non-conventional machining process that employs a highly focused laser beam to remove material from a work-piece. This thermal-based process utilizes the intense energy of the laser beam to induce localized melting, vaporization, or ablation of the material, resulting in precise and controlled material removal. The process involves key components such as a laser source, optics for beam focusing, and a work-piece mounted in the machining setup. Laser beam machining offers various advantages, including high precision, non-contact nature, minimal heat-affected zone, and the capability to work with a diverse range of materials. The two primary applications of LBM are laser cutting and laser drilling. Laser cutting involves using the laser beam to cut through materials along a specified path, while laser drilling creates holes or openings in the work-piece with great accuracy. The versatility and efficiency of laser beam machining make it suitable for numerous industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, medical, and jewellery manufacturing. As a result of its unique capabilities and benefits, LBM continues to play a crucial role in modern manufacturing, enabling the production of intricate and complex components with high precision and quality

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