
Theological and Canon law sources usually deal with the subJect of the bearers of Tradltionln the Church (Holy Scripture, Synods; Roman See,Fathers, Theologians, Sensus Fidelium ,etc.), in arder to define them and to takea look at their mutual relationship. It is a major subject concerning: a) the Faifhful, who believe specific truths and should know where to find them; b) the Church teaching authority, who interprets the documents containing divine Revelation; c) theological methodology, which draws its raw materials from those loci. Burchard of Worms Decretum Is a remarkable witness on our subject because it represents a turning point in the history of the loci Traditionis. Since every loci has ecclesiological relevancy, this study tackles at the beginning the views on the Church which are implicit in Burchard's Decretum. In B's mlnd the visible Church organizes itself around its key offices (Papacy, Bishops, etc.) and behaves like a Commonwealth of ordines. The Church is not viewed as a rigid hierarchical structure where the Pope would sumaries the whole body. It is a rather a realm composed of spiritual gifts and offices, each one performing Its own task in order to build up the body of Christ. Some of the notions presents in our Decretum will later go through a due development, especially those concernlng the centralizing role of the Papacy withln the Church. B's Decretum is endowed however with an almost correct and everlasting Episcopate-theology. The Decretum allows us a twofold vantage point in the research about the loci. For one thing B' Collection is a silent though eloquent witness of a ten centurias old development regarding our subject. The book, whlch consists in layers of materials coming from very different periods and theologies, speaks by Itself about a history full of outstanding data. On this account, B' work is independent and can be detached from Its author's point of view. For another, the Deeretum entalls a very speclflc conception and methodology as far as Synods, Fathers, Papal documents, and theologians are concerned. This study shows the Synods playing the role of the key auctoritas, second only to Holy Scrlpture, in B' outlook. It can be stated that Synods hold a klnd of intermediate positlon between Holy Scripture and the others loci. The Fathers of the Church provlde the Colleetion with a big number of texts containing moral criteria, wisdomlike sayings urgings to good behaviour, specific rules, and above all dogmatic mattter (Lib. XX. De Contemplatione). InB's own:.terminology, the Word Fathers has not to do any more with bishops summoned to a Synod; it rather refers to the Christian authors who enjoya distinct prestlge within the Chureh in matters of Catholic teaching. Decretals and kindred Papal doouments fulfill in our Collectlon a task which is both declarative and complementary. The Holy See ultimately speaks the mind of the Chureh in matters concerning the interpretation ofancient law and traditions. Finally, B's Decretum softly announces the appearance in the Church of a new kind of scholars whose writings start gaining a growing influence in theological matters. These magistri would befo re long develop into a locus second to the Fathets but remarkable in scope and future importance.

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